Graphic intensive gaming applications such as video slot, poker and video lottery typically used an industrial PC platform to fulfill their hardware requirements due to long life availability. Combining a gaming I/O controller with an X86 platform in single motherboard provides better reliability and at times a lower cost. Followed by Acrosser’s Intel based All-in-One gaming products, Acrosser has released a logic box gaming solution ACE-S8700 which integrates its powerful gaming I/O controller with VIA VX800 chipset. The ACE-S8700 is competitive with inexpensive price but without sacrificing it’s performance.
The ACE-S8700 provides 30 optical isolated digital inputs and 27 high current digital outputs, 256KB SRAM, 5 serial ports, intrusion logger and software protection. These features cover most of the necessary device control interfaces that are required in a gaming machine. The most valuable part of ACE-S8700 is its free software development kit. The software development kit contains API, device drivers and a demo program to support Windows XP embedded and Linux operation systems.