manufactures network
security hardware for your UTM
and Next Generation Firewall
(NGFW). Under the x86 based structure, the network
appliance can perform applications from firewall, VPN, gateway security, VOIP
to bandwidth management and intrusion detection.

Acrosser provides high quality Network
Server Hardware/ Network Appliance for network
security applications. Currently Acosser supply customers with 2 main
network products: 1U
Rackmount and Micro
Box. These high quality network server hardware and network
appliances are ideal for network security and network communication
applications. All products feature scalable platform including Intel Atom, Core
2 Duo, Core i with single core up to quad core.
more product information and the cost of products? Please receive a product
quote RIGHT NOW!
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Networking Appliance:
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Acrosser provides high quality Network Server Hardware/ Network Appliance for network security applications. Currently Acosser supply customers with 2 main network products: 1U Rackmount and Micro Box. These high quality network server hardware and network appliances are ideal for network security and network communication applications. All products feature scalable platform including Intel Atom, Core 2 Duo, Core i with single core up to quad core.